Medium & High voltage
Services for industrial plants
Ofrecemos servicios para el suministro de energía para empresas bajo el marco normativo vigente en México.
We are a Project Manager for our clients, we design a critical path for each process on our online platform, where we coordinate the activities and entities involved; We also carry out the works to operate in the Wholesale Electricity Market, the connection to the electrical grid and compliance with the Grid Code.
This service is designed to manage the following processes:
Network Code Compliance.
Migration of Load Centers to the MEM: Qualified Supply.
Connection of new Load Centers to the National Electrical System.
Increase in Contracted Load in high voltage.
Increase in Contracted Load in medium voltage.
Interconnection of Power Plants in Isolated Supply.
Interconnection of Power Plants to the National Electric System.
Ejecutamos las obras y servicios eléctricos requeridos por el CENACE para la entrada en operación comercial al Mercado Eléctrico Mayorista y el cumplimiento del Código de Red:
Corporate Energy Generation and/or Supply Strategy.
Consumption profile design with In Situ measurement.
Network Code evaluation studies.
Corrective works for compliance with the Network Code.
Energy Settlement Measurement Boards for the MEM.
Electrical modernization works for Measurement Systems.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) works for operational control.
Expansion or modification of high voltage electrical substations
Expansion or modification of medium voltage electrical substations.